Ty Dudley -Aspiring Pilot From Bethel Leader from the Region

Ty Dudley, Calista Shareholder, working to become a commercial pilot in Alaska.




  • Village Tie: GEORGETOWN

Ty Dudley, a Calista Shareholder with ties to Georgetown, is working his way to becoming a commercial pilot in Alaska. He started by graduating from Mat-Su Career Tech in 2021. He continues at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) for two undergraduate certificates in Aviation Maintenance Technology, airframe and powerplant (A&P).

“Aviation is my passion,” Dudley says. “I look forward to growing a career in Alaska.”

Dudley grew up in Bethel and his grandparents are Calista Shareholders Joseph “Sonny” Venes Jr. and Irene (Fredericks) Venes. He later moved to Wasilla but would always visit family in Bethel at least once a year.

“Growing up, I always remembered the large airport in Bethel with a lot of smaller Alaskan planes, some just for private use, but most were used commercially,” Dudley says. “It would be quite the experience to move back to where I came from to contribute to the busy aviation industry.”

As Dudley earns his certifications in Aviation Maintenance Technology, he is also working at Pegasus Aviation in Anchorage as an aviation maintenance assistant. His maintenance background will work hand in hand with his Private Pilot certification.

“After receiving a certification in A&P, I plan on getting more flight hours and training other pilots in Arizona,” Dudley says.

The Calista Education & Culture, Inc. (CECI) scholarship has provided Dudley with support each semester for the last school year. Calista Shareholders and Descendants qualify for more monetary support with a higher GPA and more school hours. Dudley was on the UAA Dean’s Honor List as a full-time student in 2022.

“The long term goal for me is to work with the commercial airlines within Alaska,” Dudley says. “The Calista Education scholarship has helped immensely. It’s covered expenses beyond tuition. I can focus on learning at school and training at work thanks to having my tools covered.”


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