Jonathan Samuelson -Lifetime Achievement Award

Jonathan Samuelson is the recipient of the 2023 Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management Lifetime Achievement award. This award goes to an individual who has made long-lasting environmental contributions that improve environmental health in their community over the course of many years. This individual is a true inspiration and deserving of the highest honor.

Mention Jonathan Samuelson’s name along the banks of the Kuskokwim, and people will most likely smile, and say in an awed voice “Isn’t he incredible?”. Jonathan knows that the fish bring families and communities together and is focused on protecting the Kuskokwim Watershed for the next seven generation. To this end, he serves on the Native Village of Georgetown’s Council, is a Vice-President of The Kuskokwim Corporation, Vice-Chair of the Kuskokwim River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, and advisor for the Tamamta program. Jonathan shines as an inspirational leader with an uncanny ability to support, empower and highlight the inner skills of the people around him.

Jonathan believes that a healthy environment is a pre-requisite for healthy communities. The impact of Jonathan’s extends beyond the Kuskokwim and the present. He focuses many of his efforts on shaping the future generations of tribal environmental leaders. As an advisor for the Tamamta program, he is helping transform graduate education and research and bridge gaps between Indigenous and Western sciences.


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