Donlin Gold EIS - Make Your Voices Heard!

March 19, 2013

The EIS process for the proposed Donlin Gold project is underway.  GTC is currently preparing comments to submit for consideration in the draft EIS.
Comments are due March 29!
We’ve heard from only a limited number of Georgetown members.  In order to fully represent the Native Village of Georgetown, we need to hear from you! 
What are your concerns/comments regarding the construction of such a large scale gold mine only 15 miles from Georgetown? 
Are you excited about it? 
Are you unsure about it? 
Against it?
Is there a question you have that you want answered?  Is there a low spot on the River you know about that you’re worried a barge will get stuck?  Are there areas you know about that already have significant bank erosion that you are concerned will get worse with the increase in barge traffic?  Do you know when the good fishing times are that you’d like to see avoided for construction on the river? 
Give me a call (274-2195) or send me an e-mail ( or just write a comment on this blog posting if you have comments or questions for Donlin or the Army Corps that you would like addressed.  The more specific you can be, the better! 
Help to make sure the environment around Georgetown is protected for future generations!

Scoping Comments Submitted!


Donlin Gold EIS