Donlin Gold EIS

January 2, 2013

Stay Involved and Help Ensure Georgetown's Environmental Resources and Beauty Stay Intact!

Georgetown Tribal Council received its first newsletter from the US Army Corps of Engineers, outlining the Scoping process that will take place during the EIS process for the Donlin Gold proposed project.A copy of the newsletter should be available soon online at then, just a few comments on reasons to stay involved and how to do so:The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will identify potential impacts on the physical, biological, and social environment during all phases of the project - construction, operation and closure.  The EIS will also look at ways potential negative impacts can be avoided or lessened.  During the scoping period (December 14-March 29), the public will be able to help identify issues and concerns  so that the Army Corps can analyze the effects of the proposed projects.

COMMENTS will only be accepted through March 29, 2013.

Ways to submit your comments:

  1. Bring comments to a scoping meeting (meeting dates here)
  2. Use the comment form on the project website (found here)
  3. Use comment form from newsletter, if you have a copy
  4. Email to:
  5. Write to: 
Don Kuhle, Regulatory DivisionUS Army Corps of EngineersPO Box 6898Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson, AK 99506-0898

When writing and submitting comments, the following questions may help guide your thinking:
If the project goes forward, how might it affect you and your community?
What is most important to you to know about the proposed project?
What are your concerns about this project?
Are there particular animals, fish, or places that you use that might be affected by the project?

 If you have questions or would like to discuss your comments with someone at GTC before sending, please don't hesitate to contact us at 907-274-2195 or you can e-mail me at!


Donlin Gold EIS - Make Your Voices Heard!


Update on EIS Progress in Proposed Donlin Gold Project