Citizen Science, No Lab Coat Required

Ever since I've moved to Alaska, people have told me, "Just wait, the summer makes it worth it." In response to this, I have to say:

  1. IMG-2113.JPGI have loved every Alaskan season I've experienced so far, winter being one of my favorites.
  2. This summer has been AMAZING!

The weather has been beautiful this summer and I have spent every minute possible enjoying it. One of the most unique things I did this summer was take part in a Citizen Science Partnership. To explain, I have a personal goal of visiting all 60 National Parks and this summer while I was visiting Kenai Fjords National Park to hike Exit Glacier, I came across this little sign post...NPS CS.PNGThis is a Picture Post, it is an eight-sided platform that you use to take pictures of an area in multiple directions to give an idea of what the environment looks like on a certain day. You upload the pictures to Picture Post using the link provided by the sign and the pictures are used to document the local conditions of the Picture Post during the year.26439.jpgThe Picture Post for Exit Glacier has been in place since 2016. By uploading my pictures, I was participating in a Citizen Science program to track the greenery, atmospheric conditions, and weather on the Kenai Peninsula. It was fast and fun to see the pictures I posted along with all the pictures posted by other enthusiasts.

So how can you get involved?

There are lots of Citizen Science opportunities in Alaska, here are a couple of projects you can get involved with:

  1. Winterberry  - UAF Scientists are researching how berries and flowers are impacted by climate change, help them out! Winterberry
  2. Alaska Hare Project - ADF&G wants to know more about Alaskan hares, have you seen any?Alaska Hare
  3. LEO (Local Environmental Observer) Network - ANTHC has developed the LEO Network to record and track changes in the local environment, download the app on your phone today!LEO

There are lots of Citizen Science projects out there, go find one that focuses on a cause that's important to you and get started! If you are interested and want help finding a project to work on, contact the Environmental Department at We'd be happy to help!

M. Witte09/18/2018


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