ADFG Preliminary 2018 Kuskokwim River Chinook Salmon Forecast

Please find below the joint announcement from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for fishermen in the Kuskokwim Area.

The preliminary 2018 Kuskokwim River Chinook Salmon forecast is for a total run of 140,000–190,000 fish. The drainage-wide Chinook salmon escapement goal is 65,000–120,000 fish. If the run comes back within this range, then there may be enough Chinook salmon to provide for escapement and subsistence needs.The 2018 Chinook salmon forecast will be revised once 2017 Chinook salmon subsistence harvest estimates and all escapement numbers are available in early 2018. It is unlikely that the revised final forecast will deviate significantly from the preliminary forecast based on the available stock assessment information. However, additional subsistence fishing opportunity may be warranted if the run materializes as projected. The finalized forecast will further inform discussion of management strategies with the Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Working Group and Kuskokwim River Intertribal Fisheries Commission.For additional information concerning this news release:ADF&G: Aaron Tiernan 907-267-2379USFWS: Ken Stahlnecker in Bethel 907-543-3151



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