Where Do You Stand

Where you stand looking out at the landscape above is in one of the most pristine places of Alaska I have experienced.  I've been up to Fairbanks and down to Homer, over to Kodiak and more...and still, this place stands out. There is just something about it...you can sense the sacred nature of it, and almost feel its history.Unfortunately, keeping it this way isn't something that will just happen.  We've got to work together to ensure the protection of the environment here.So, where do you stand?So far, we've got 13 Tribal Member responses to the Environmental Survey that will show us where you stand on what is important.  At the top is the protection of subsistence resources, followed closely behind by water quality, traditional ecological knowledge & the health of the watershed.graph of priorities 2016Do you agree?  Or do you think we should be more focused on climate change or what's going on with the mining of resources on the Kuskokwim near Georgetown?Drink a cup of coffee, think back to your time in Georgetown.  Take our survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZS76GHV.  Let us know where you stand!Small bonus (each person with a completed survey before August 26th will be entered to win one of these hoodies donated by Salmon Sisters): [gallery ids="469,470" type="rectangular"]

 EC Kate Schaberg/08.09.16



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