5.27.16 Fishing Restrictions

We are still in a time of conservation.
The Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Working Group met yesterday. The only real action that came out of the meeting was a motion to support the Fish Commission’s recommendation for a 72 hour opening for 4” mesh set net on the main stem of the Kuskokwim prior to June 1. The motion passed, however, this was just to support the recommendation and does not in-fact open the river for fishing. It is nice to see all legs of the management stool sit down at the table and have meaningful dialogue regaurding our salmon.  Co-Management is key!
Here’s a current review of restrictions in place.Effective May 20, 2016 from the Mouth of the Kuskokwim up to the Holitna:
Subsistence fishing with gillnets is closed.
Subsistence fishing with gillnets is also closed on the following tributaries:
            Kwethluk River
            Kuskokuak Slough
            Kasigluk and Kisaralik Rivers
            Tuluksak River
            Aniak River
Subsistence fishing on the entire main stem, as well as all tributaries (including those listed above) is allowed with the following gear type: Hook and line, dip nets, beach seines, and fish wheels.  Fish wheels must have a live box, be checked at least every 6 hours. Wheels can be equipped with a chute but must be closely attended while in operation.  ANY CHINOOK CAUGHT WITH ANY OF THE MENTIONED GEAR MUST BE RETURNED ALIVE BACK INTO THE WATER.
All restrictions listed above will be effective June 1, 2016from the Holitna up to the headwaters.


Please remember we are in a time of conservation and we need to let those kings go if we’d like to see them in the future. 

Ready the Nets!


Fisheries Commission Marks Milestone