A Project Update on the Donlin Gold Proposed Mine- Environmental Impact Statement

July 19, 2014

Don Kuhle and Taylor Brelsford present information  to about twenty Georgetown members on the Donlin Gold EIS at the Georgetown Annual meeting on July 19th, 2014

Don Kuhle, US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) representative, and Taylor Brelsford, URS representative, gave a project update on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Donlin Gold project at the 2014 Georgetown Annual Meeting.  Donlin Gold representative, Mary Sattler, was also present to answer any questions.

They confirmed that they, along with the group of cooperating agencies on the project, are currently writing the Draft EIS.  The Draft EIS is the document that will address all comments made during the scoping period, and propose alternatives for the project.  Don started the presentation by giving a brief overview of the project area, proposed pipeline route, the mine site layout and transportation infrastructure. 

The scoping period was the time when URS and the Corps collected public comments of concern or suggestions.  Some of the more frequently included comments were centered around topics such as barge traffic, subsistence traditions, water quality quantity and flow, mercury, fish & wildlife, people and their communities and health impacts. 

Following scoping, the team began work on developing alternatives in the Donlin EIS, and continues that work currently.  The law that requires the development of the EIS is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).  It requires that a review is done of a reasonable range of alternatives.  Using the environmental issues identified during scoping, alternatives are developed based on their potential to reduce impacts.  The EIS compares the relative impacts of those alternatives. 

Currently, the alternatives under development include:

  • No Action: the project would not be built, and this alternative would show what would happen should the project not go forward
  • Donlin's Proposed Project - this alternative is the proposed project as originally intended by Donlin Gold
  • Reduced Barging Alternatives - alternatives to consider include reducing the number of barges and/or shortening the distance needed for barging
  • Mine Site Alternatives - these alternatives look at different methods to use on site
  • Pipeline Route Alternatives - Considering different routes for the pipeline

While the group is considering alternatives, they are also conducting additional studies and meetings that will help fill some gaps in knowledge about the area.  Studies include a rainbow smelt spawning study that was done near Kalskag (More information here), a Kuskokwim Juvenile Salmon Investigation, and multiple Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) meetings held both in Aniak and in Anchorage. 

The Corps continues to give updates throughout the region, and will be looking into a possible tribal teleconference in the near future to give an update on the project to those who are interested.  The Draft EIS is expected out in the summer of 2015, at which time public comments will be encouraged.  Public meetings will also be held at this time throughout the project area to hear comments on the Draft EIS.

For more information, visit their website at www.DonlinGoldEIS.com or you can contact Don directly at Don.P.Kuhle@usace.army.mil or 907-753-2780.

