Donlin Gold 3rd Quarter Update 

October 12, 2012

October 11, 2012 Webcast – Greg Lang, President of NovaGold gives 3rd Quarter update: 
Highlights from the third quarter as related to permitting process-
Nova Gold and Barrick are jointly moving forward together in permitting process.
They submitted plan of operations and wetlands permit application under Section 404 of US Clean Water Act, thus initiating the NEPA Process.
US Army Corps of Engineers is the lead agency, and has selected an independent contractor to prepare Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).  
A Notice of Intent is expected to be filed within the coming weeks, followed by the public scoping process.  
NEPA Process Steps:
NOI, Public Scoping, Preliminary Draft EIS, Draft EIS, Public Comment period, Final EIS and Permit Issuance, 30 Day Appeal
Impacts to be covered in the EIS include:
Hydrology, air and water quality, wetlands, fish and aquatic habitat, wildlife, socioeconomics, threatened and endangered species, land use and subsistence, noise, cumulative impacts, cultural resources, recreation safey and feasibility.
For a more detailed overview of NEPA process, please follow this link
GTC received a letter in the mail from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), sent September 27, 2012.  A summary of this letter is as follows:
The USACE, in cooperation with the EPA, BLM, and ADNR is participating in the development of an EIS for the proposed Donlin Mine Project.  The project is located in Western AK, approximately 10 miles from Crooked Creek.
Infrastructure plans include:
- Two ports on the Kuskokwim River
- A 312 mile, 14 inch diameter natural gas pipeline from Cook Inlet to the north of Crooked Creek
- Navigation and pipeline crossing of the Kuskokwim River
- Diesel storage at Dutch Harbor and Bethel
- A 30 mile long road
- A Hercules/C-130 airstrip
- A man camp
- Power generation (157 megawatts, equivalent to a city the size of Fairbanks)
- An open mine pit 2.5 miles long by 0.75 miles wide by 1800 ft dep
- A tailings impoundment/waste treatment facility 1.5 miles long by 1 mile wide
Total footprint of 16,300 acres.  Donlin predicts that the mine would mill 59,000 short tons of ore per day, to obtain 1.3 million ounces of gold per year over a 27.5 year mine operational life.
The 37.5 total years includes 5 years construction time and 5 years reclamation time.
USACE, as the lead federal agency, has the responsibility for EIS process, as well as government to government coordination with tribes. The consultation process provides affected federally recognized tribes with opportunities for participation in the federal permitting process.  GTC will have several opportunities to participate and provide input.  GTC will attend an informational teleconference to begin discussing the scope and nature of the proposed project and open up dialogue on October 30, 2012.
Check back for more updates as this process continue

US Army Corps of Engineers holds Informational meeting for Federally Recognized Tribes Regarding Proposed Donlin Gold Project


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