Summary of Information regarding Permitting via Nova Gold 2nd Quarter Conference Call and Webcast


Greg Lang: Nova Gold President and C.E.O.
Donlin Gold Board has approved and filed updated Feasibility Study, which gave okay to begin permitting.  They also have enough funding to move toward permitting at this time.
They will be filing permit application in the coming weeks, thus triggering the start of the NEPA process.  Since they believe there to be significant impacts, they will produce an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) . Overall, the permitting will include over 100 permits, and they are estimating it will take 3-4 years to complete the permitting process.
Greg Lang gave some brief information regarding the mine site.  Donlin Gold future mine site is estimated to be 2km x 3 km within a district of 8km x 3 km.  It will be in the top of list in terms of quality grade.  Its annual production in the first five years is expected to be 1.5 million oz/year.  After 5 years and through the life cycle of the mine, it will produce 1 million oz/year.  
Nova Gold believes that Alaska is a good place for their project as it is the 2nd largest US gold producing state, and two Alaska Native Corporations are stakeholders in the project.
20 years – environmental planning
3-4 years – permitting process     <---- current phase
4 years – construction
27+ years – operation
Mine closure and reclamation
Expected NEPA Process once Permitting Applications have begun:
NOI (Notice of Intent)
Preliminary draft EIS (Environmental Impact Statement)
Draft EIS
Public Comment
Final EIS and Permit Issuance
30 Day Appeal
Potential impacts to be discussed in the EIS include:
Hydrology, air and water quality, noise, wetlands, cumulative impacts, fish and aquatic habitats, wildlife, socioeconomics, threatened/endangered species, land use and subsistence, cultural resources, visual resources, recreation, safety & feasibility
Federal: US Army Corps of Engineers, BLM, US FWS, US EPA, NMFS
Associated Permits: Right of way, wetlands, essential fish habitat, marine mammal protection
Associated Permits: Reclamation, Air Quality, Waste Management, Pipeline, Fish Habitat, Water Discharge
For Up To Date News Releases from Nova Gold, Please Visit:

NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act


June 2012 Water Quality Trip